What a surprise when opening the trench !
On the 7th November 2018, 140 farmers from Hungary and Slovakia attended a soil profile in PUSZTASZABOLCSI AGRÁR ZR farm.
After 8 years using Marcel Mezy Technologies, Bacteriosol and Bacteriolit, Mr. Gergely Sztupa, was proud to show the results he is getting and to explain us his vision of agriculture.
The farm counts 1 200 hectares and over 700 dairy cows, the milk is transformed directly on the farm into dairy products such as milk, yogurts and cheese.
Soil profiles were conducted in the same field in 2012 and 2016, and after what he saw in 2016 M. Sztupa was not expecting too much of this new soil profile.
What a surprise when opening the trench ! An impressive mushroom smell came from the hole and the soil was dark down to 1.80 m!
A smile on his face the farmer allowed himself a small joke “Next time we will have to dig as far as China to see something! “
We would like to address a special thank you to our partners, SERSIA Farm Kft and their team for the organisation of the day and their involvement with Sobac and also to M. Christophe Frebourg, independent agronomist, who shared his expertise with us.