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Testimonials and results

Réduction du lessivage azoté grâce à Technologies Marcel Mézy
Bactériolit enhances all types of organic materials while protecting the environment.
Reduces leaching and increases CAH3

Trial done by AGRA-OST GOE, Belgium, 2003 Centre of Research and  agronomic experimentation in Oriental Belgium, Agrarzentrum für Versuche und Ausbildung in Ostbelgien, Klosterstrasse 38, B- 4780 Saint Vith on natural meadows with cattle slurry. The objective of the trial was to measure the losses of nitrogen during 3,5 months of winter, in between the 7th of December and the 25th of March.




After 3,5 months of winter, nitrogen can be seen to have leached out, except from manure "dosed with Bactériolit", a remarkable result with the nitrogen balance still at 100 % at the end of the winter. 


Bactériolit maintains nitrogen balance throughout the winter with more nitrogen in nitrate form.


=> Bactériolit enhances all types of organic materials while protecting the environment and significantly reducing leaching.


Experiments by AGRA-OST,  Belgium