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Noticias y citas


Written and/or posted online by the publishers of the website, this content may not be freely reproduced without indicating the source. Similarly, deep linking is prohibited, i.e., the pages of the SOBAC website must not be embedded in the pages of another site.



The website authorises any other website or any other medium to cite or put in place a hypertext link pointing to its content. Authorisation to put in place a link is valid for any support, with the exception of those disseminating information of a polemical, pornographic, xenophobic nature or that may significantly offend a member of a majority of the general public.



With its explicit authorization – form and banner of use of cookies, data transmitted by the user are kept by SOBAC for a period of thirteen months, in accordance with the recommendations in force. These are likely to be used exclusively by SOBAC, they are neither sold nor rented to third parties. The information collected is subject to a data processing intended to allow the follow up of private exchanges between the user and SOBAC collaborators and can be used for informative and commercial purposes. 
Only SOBAC Communication department has access to it.

In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, the user has the right of access, rectification, modification or deletion of its information. If he wishes to exercise this right and obtain his personal information, he can contact: SOBAC – +33 (0)5 65 46 63 30 or

SOBAC undertakes to comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 as from its entry in force on 25 May 2018.
SOBAC guarantees that personal data will be processed in accordance with applicable law, in particular regarding confidentiality and security of such data.

Personal data collected on this site are subject to computer processing by SOBAC Company, responsible for this operation. This process is only done in France. 


Website graphic design and ergonomics
Integration of graphic designs, content management, IT and database development, and website hosting management are provided by the company Laëtis.
SARL Laëtis
Place de l'église - 12120 Arvieu- FRANCE
Tel. +33 (0) - Fax. +33 (0)
Website: - Email:
Registered Office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix



A cookie is a small text file stored on the surfer's terminal. In existence for over 20 years, they allow website developers to store user data to facilitate their navigation and permit certain functionalities.
What do we use them for?
Cookies permit us to create statistics regarding traffic on our site (e.g.: number of visits, pages viewed, headings consulted), to understand visitor activity and to improve the site's functionalities as well as its ergonomics to make it more pleasant for you to navigate it.
How do I disable it?
You can disable all cookies as a whole or case-by-case by configuring your web browser or by disabling it directly through a third party.

  • For Internet Explorer

  • For Chrome

  • For Firefox

  • For Safari

  • For Opera