Effluent valorisation.
To quickly transform manure, slurry, digestates and green waste into humus; produces high-quality slurry to NFU 44-051 standard without turning-over with better C/N and N/P ratios.
product description
Bactériolit is a 100% natural composting additive recognised by the French Administration as CMO (Complex of micro-organisms) for composting without turning over manure and to obtain a marketable organic amendment compliant with NFU 44-051 standard and not subject to the Land Application Plan. It quickly activates the biological transformation of manure and slurry into humus and improves their efficiency, notably by reorganising the forms of nitrogen that they contain.
The minerals contained in farm fertilisers are reorganised and fixed on the clay-humic complex and restored to plants rather than being evaporated or leached. Plants thereby obtain more balanced feed over a longer period of time. As a member of the ADEME international club*, SOBAC was able to present its Bactériolit technology, a real CO2 and nitrogen emissions reducer, at COP21 PARIS 2015, as an agricultural solution to fight global warming.
*Bactériolit is a product usable in ORGANIC FARMING in compliance with the regulations (UE) n° 2018/848 and (UE) 2021/1165. Product complies with NOP (US National Organic Program) - MADE IN FRANCE
It was also selected by the "4 FOR 1000" initiative** launched by the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2013, this technology received a Gold Medal awarded by France Agricole et l’Éleveur Laitier for its performance in promoting sustainable development, by transforming manure into compost of high agronomic value and by reducing smells.
* Agence de l’Environnement et la Maîtrise de l’Energie Guide " Conception de produits et environnement, 90 exemples d’éco-conception."
** International initiative launched by France in 2015 at COP21, which consists of bringing together voluntarily all players (in the public and private sector) to store more carbon in soil, for food security and climate benefits. (YouTube video - 4 pour 1000)

bactériolit range
- Enhances manure, slurry, green waste and digestates
- Increases dry matter and creates humic acids
- Reorganises the forms of minerals contained in organic matter
- Optimises nitrogen management
- Reorganises the nitrogen contained in livestock effluent in organic form
- Increased resistance to water stress
- Better uptake by plants
- Improved palatability of grass guaranteed
- Improves soil structure
- Prevents formation of crust and deposits in slurry pits
- Facilitates spreading of manure
- Replaces fertiliser and amendment inputs
- Contributes to animal health and substantially reduces veterinary expenses
- Increases self-sufficiency of milk or meat production
- -30% water savings
- Improves overall profitability of farms
- Fewer losses through leaching and evaporation
- Improves salubrity in livestock buildings: less ammonia nitrogen released
- Reduces smells
- Less gaseous emissions during storage and after spreading on fields
Testimonials & results