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Testimonials and results

Jean Louis et Vincent Peyramale, cow breeders in "Haute-Pyrénées" in France.
Vincent and Jean-Louis Peyramale
From 10 000 to 3 700 € in vet expenses
Cow breeder


Vincent Peyramale is a cow breeder in Ibos (Hautes-Pyrénées - France)

The farm : 85 hectares of which 22 ha in corn, 6 ha of sunflower, 15 ha of cereals, 40 ha in grass Charolais cattle, 80 calving/year.


  • Bactériolit (since 2006) / Fertilization of cereals and grasslands.
  • Bactériosol concentré (since 2006) / Valorization of manures.


On the family farm, Vincent took over from his father Jean-Louis, 67 years of age. A Charolais breeder, he feels his herd is much more robust and is relieved to have stopped 40 tonnes of chemical fertilisers.

" In 2007, we did a test on manure with Bactériolit. I immediately saw that it was evolving faster. And when we loaded it to clean the stall, there was no ammonia smell anymore.
It was spectacular right away on calves: no more lung problems, no more diarrhoea, all that with no vaccine. In veterinary expenses, we have seen a reduction by 88 euros per Livestock Unit.


That is to say, overall, we have gone from 10 000 euros to 3700 euros


Cows are healthy all year round. Even their behaviour has changed. They no longer fight each other, they are much calmer. As they grow, they have a better conversion. We were at 200 kilos at 120 days, and now we are now at 213 kilos. It is both genetics and SOBAC.

On grasslands, for the growth of the grass, it is very rare for us to use nitrogen today. Trefoil, clovers are coming back. The hay is good and smells good. It feels like we’re in the grandparents’ barn. It smells like mountain hay. Besides, at the slightest rain it grows faster. The grass may be less tall but is much denser and there is no more rejection from the cows.

On the fields, the soil is much easier to break down than before. This is normal, in each clod there are earthworms. Drought resistance is better and this year, without watering the corn, we got 8.5 tons per hectare even if it was not an easy year.


A big step forward for agriculture


In 2007, I felt I was a pioneer in the use of this concept. There had been a surge in fertiliser prices and I wanted to get out of this system


Jean-Louis: « I was a little reluctant but the price of fertilisers was really very high. It was an opportunity to try it out. ».


Vincent: « I had in mind to move on. We stopped 12 tons of potash, and phosphate, 12 tons of lime, 13 tons of nitrogen and 3 tons of starter fertiliser. Instead of these 40 tons of chemistry, we are now using 500 kg of Bactériolit Concentré and 3 tons of Bactériosol Concentré, with a 30% decrease on nitrogen and we have saved time and 3 rounds less in the fields. It is important to tell yourself that you no longer handle products that are dangerous to your health. We are in a very populated area and we have no complaints when we are spreading.


And then, when you go with the harrow for example, the work is so much easier on this land


Direct selling allows exchanges and our clients are really interested in how we work. We are so much prouder to work like this. Our objective is to be even more autonomous by producing more self-consumed cereals. I know that now I can change to organic farming more easily. With the step I took with SOBAC, I opened myself to many things. SOBAC leads me towards autonomy, it helps me to control the whole chain. I won’t go back for anything in the world. We now have to develop crops such as lupin to supplement nitrogen. We must keep on developing autonomy in our ration and livestock feed.

Every day I tell myself that I work for the planet. Bacteriosol, Bacteriolit is a major breakthrough for agriculture. On our vegetable garden it is the same thing, we have incredible vegetables. And when it works on the garden it can work on anything. "



Since 2006, they use Bactériosol to fertilize cereals and grasslands and Bactériolit to valorize manures.


  • No ammonia smell anymore.
  • No more lung problems, no more diarrhoea.
  • Cows are healthy all year round
  • We have gone from 10 000 euros to 3700 euros in vetenary expenses.
  • Cows have a better conversion.
  • Trefoil, clovers are coming back.
  • The hay is good and smells good.
  • The grass is much denser.
  • There is no more rejection from the cows.
  • Soil is much easier to break down.
  • Drought resistance is better.